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With the support of Help’s Disability Employment Services (DES) team, Jakob has found his way into a rewarding role with an inclusive employer that’s just right for him – organising delicious cookies at his local Coles bakery!

In the past, Jakob participated in the School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) and worked in a cafe. Although the experience broadened his skills, it wasn’t the right fit for him.

The Help team identified that a specially-designed role with an employer where Jakob could have lots of support from his team would be beneficial. His goals were to build independence and confidence in the workplace, and his capacity for concentration on the job.

With that in mind, Help Business Development Manager, Olivia D’Heureux, who had been working alongside him in the DES program, advocated for him in the community to find an inclusive employer: Coles store at Alderley.

Creating an inclusive workforce, together

Olivia, Jakob and Coles manager Paul in front of Coles bakery

Now working in the bakery, Jakob is responsible for cookies. “I feel great about my new job, I like organising the cookies, packaging them, and presenting them for the customers,” Jakob said. He also shared that the team and customers have made a positive impact on his experience. “I’m excited to see my teammates at work and enjoy meeting new people,” he added.

Help’s team ensures clients’ needs are addressed and employers are equipped to provide ongoing support. They approach each client as an individual, working to meet their specific needs and interests.

In Jakob’s case, Olivia matched his passion for cooking with his needs for a role where he uses his hands. Finding an inclusive employer within Jakob’s local community further strengthened his independence as the store is within walking distance from his home.

Coles celebrates Jakob’s addition to the team

Coles Alderley Store Manager Paul Nobbs is thrilled with Jakob’s performance. “Jakob has been a great addition to the team. He has picked up his tasks exceptionally well and I love the enthusiasm he brings with him each shift”, he said.

“Seeing Jakob walk independently to and from work and fulfill his work commitments by himself gives us a deep sense of achievement,” said Olivia.

By working with inclusive employers like Coles, Help supports the creation of a more diverse workforce that empowers individuals with disabilities to achieve their full potential, like Jakob. Through our DES program Help has successfully placed over 150 Help clients in fulfilling roles at Coles.

Jakob placing his left hand on a package of displayed cookies at inclusive employer Coles store

We can’t wait to see what Jakob achieves next in this exciting new chapter of his life!

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